
Good evening Blog. It's been a while..!! Right now I;m sipping decaf and havin a biscoff, the coffee is really good as always. The past month I've been kinda wasting away, smoking way too much weed and sleeping a bunch. I'vve been cutting down on my consumption lately though, no more vapes for sure, because I would just use that as an excuse to be high 24/7, and I decided not to buy any more either, since I get occasional samples from work, and I cannot Moderate myself. It's also day 2 of no cigarettes since my mom and I are quitting together. I stopped to get nicotine gum before work, but man I really wanna smoke !!! If I sound kinda all over the place this will be why.
Other than that, I've been trying to lock in with art and participating in a study server with some buds which has been fun :3! and on the side I'm helping my friend with some pixel art for his rpg.
in two days I'm getting my other rabbit spayed which I am pretty nervous about!! She's a big big girl, I hope everything goes well, theres always a small risk that anaesthesia will be fatal to rabbits. And then after recovery we can start the bonding process for reals 0__0;.. Fingers crossed that ribbon and tinsel can be friends and finally share one space :sob: It's tough having to keep 2 buns seperate.
mmm and besides that I've just been on my splatoon and stardew valley grind so I don't think theres anything else to report. thank you for reading again , please channel positive energies my way if you can /:)